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Babies love to hear familiar voices, lookout how they turn instinctively to those voices they recognize. Talking with your little one and listening to their noises or words helps them to learn all about communication and how to express their outlooks and thoughts.

The good thing about talking together is that it can happen any time and you can talk about anything and everything with your babies. We mostly know how to talk with our babies, mostly people uses a sing-song voice and that is because babies react better to change in pitch and variety in tone. Here are some tips for talking to babies.

Tips for Talking to Babies PakMums.com

1.  Communication contains mimicking and use signs. Try making funny faces and see if your baby copies. This is all part of initial dialogue.

2.  From birth, your baby loves listening to your voice. So keep talking, even if it seems a little stupid at times. You can talk about what you are doing during the day e.g. when changing a nappy or clothes.

3.  Watch for when your baby moves their mouth, arms or legs, or makes noises to communicate with you. Answer to your baby to reward their attempts and to show that you are listening.

4.  It is never too early to enjoy reading together with your baby.

5.  When talking with your young baby try softly touching their face, fingers or arms to show that you are talking to and listening to them.

6.  As your baby starts to make sounds then copy the sounds back. Then allow time for baby to reply again.

7. You can also say “Shall I get you ready for the bath?”, “You are splashing mummy”


Also read: Tips to Talking with Toddlers

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