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Training child for potty is one the significant achievements in his childhood. Not every child can be potty train at the same time. Some can master it within weeks while few can take months. It does not have anything to do with personality, motivation or intelligence. It all depends upon the steps you take to potty train him and how you handle it. Mothers have to consider the point that he has to be psychologically and biologically ready for it before he can master it. You cannot force it; otherwise things will get even worse.

How to potty train your child. PakMums.com

Potty training includes series of steps to follow for example understanding the signs your body is giving, having control over your bowl and washing hands after it.

So Pak Mums here are some steps to potty train your child.

Preparation:  Start potty training on the chair that sits on the floor rather than toilet seat. Children feel more comfortable and secure on those seats as their feet are securely placed over the floor.  Put that chair where your child spends most of his time like his play area. It is not necessary to put it in the washroom. Let your child explore that chair himself, and let him know that chair is only for him.

Learning: Make your child comfortable with the chair. Appreciate his smallest efforts ad accomplishments regarding that.  Let him sit on it with clothes on. After some time make him sit on the chair without clothes. Let him explore how it feels to sit without clothes. After few days let your child see that you dump diaper into potty chair. Try to explain that this is the place where your stool belongs (Children of this age can easily learn that certain things go to certain places).

Find out the signs your child shows during movement of bowl. Some children are vocal, they can tell by using different words. Other will show it through different gestures. You need to look and find out way your child is using.  Don’t force your child to sit on the potty chair against his will, he will hate it. Set a routine for it. In start it would be difficult but after few days, your child will sit on potty chair himself. After that teach him to watch his hands after each time he is using his potty seat.

Reinforcement: Appreciate him on every step especially when he tells that he has used potty seat. Repeat these steps every day. Let him make mistakes, he will learn from them. It is very important not to punish him, instead tell home that it is ok, accident might happen. Last most important thing is do not get pressurized by your family, relatives about potty training. Keep yourself calm and let your child be your guide. In past times, people use to potty train child at really early age. Nowadays it has changed. It also depends upon the child. So mothers, when your child is ready, go for it. Don’t just rush into it, give it some time. You child will surely inform you.
