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Women all around the world adore flawless skin. Pakistani women also desire a beautiful, spotless skin. Skincare routine of many Pakistani women includes washing face with soap or face wash and applying a face cream. They consider justice with skin has been done with these two steps. Well, our skin needs much more than that.

Recently craze for Korean skin routine has hit Pakistan as well. It was around the world for many years but now most Korean products are also available in Pakistan. If you are curious to know about K-beauty regimen and have been searching for it on the internet, you must know that it is a long 10 step process. Korean women perform this long routine every day but it worth the hard work.

Here are the steps of K beauty routine

Oil Cleansing: Yes you heard it right oil cleansing. There is a misconception that applying oil onto the skin can increase chances of acne, but it actually helps to reduce it. Oil cleansers are available over the market and you can get one suitable for your skin type. Oil cleansing dissolves the makeup, dirt, and remains of sunscreen from your pores. After applying oil cleanser, wash your face with warm water and pat dry. If you are a Pakistani mother who does not want to spend money on so much beauty products then you can simply use olive oil or coconut oil.

Foam cleansing:  Most famous part of Korean skincare routine is a double cleansing method. First, you cleanse with oil and then with a foam cleanser. This removes traces of oil cleanser and also any other dirt traces. The tip here is to use a gentle cleanser with low pH that does not strip off the moisture from your skin.

Toner: Toner is considered as the core of K-beauty regimen. While choosing a toner, one thing should be kept in mind and that is to avoid alcohol toners. Toner with alcohol dries out your skin. In fact, toner function is totally opposite; it should add moisture to your skin.  Toner balances the pH of your skin and prepares it for the next step.  Pakistani women can easily get toners from the market

Exfoliator: Next step in K-beauty regimen is an exfoliator. Now according to Korean skin care, use a chemical exfoliator instead of physical exfoliators (scrub). That include AHA, BHA exfoliators, they gently remove dead cells and clean up the clogged pores. Sebum in the pores can cause you breakout but this step can clean up the pores thus stopping cause of acne.

Serum: Your skin is exposed to many issues as you grow up. Using a serum that specifically targets any issue can be a key to success here. For example, Vitamin C serums are most commonly used that helps to fight dullness and lightens up the skin tone. In Pakistan, vitamin C serum is easily available either online or from a pharmacy.

Essence: Just like toner, the essence is also an important part of the routine. Koreans do not skip this step. Essence is thicker than toner but lighter than a cream in consistency. Essence can reverse any damage done to the skin. Apply a pea-sized essence and gently tap it over the skin. In Pakistan, you can get Korean essence but if you want a Pakistani product then the good news is that many Pakistan based companies have launched their essence.

Moisturizer: This step is an important part of the routine. Everyone is familiar with the moisturizer but a lot of them still have misconceptions. Moisturizer builds a barrier for your skin against the outside environment. A good moisturizer seeps down into the skin, provides hydration and glow.


Eye cream: Area around the eyes does not have pores so there is no natural oil production that leads to wrinkles. That is why eye cream is very important. Use a pea-sized cream and gently work it into your skin using your fingers.

Sunscreen: Now if you are doing this routine at night, you will not need this step but if it is the morning time, applying sunscreen is important. UV rays sun of the sun damage our skin a lot and everything you do to keep your skin good will be of no use if you are not applying sunscreen. Choose a good oil free sunscreen and apply it after every 3 hours.

Sleeping mask:  The last step in Korean skincare routine is a sleeping mask. A lot of moisture from your skin is lost while sleeping. Applying a sleeping mask can bring back hydration to the skin and gets enough time to heal the skin.

The k-beauty regimen should be performed every day to see the results within days. There are also a few things which should be kept in mind while doing it. First thing is to not jump into K-beauty routine at once. Start with one step and then gradually keep on adding other things to the routine. The second important thing is not to rub but tap gently. Most of us rub the products into the skin which is actually not doing any good; key here is to gently tap products into the skin. The last thing is to change the sequence of the products used. In this skin routine, apply the lightest product first and then move to the heaviest.
