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Cold creams are so called because of their cooling effect after apply. The water content in the cream that fades and cools. In past, cold creams for winter were made by a mixture of water, olive oil and honeycomb. With technology and improvement, more materials to increase the life of cold creams were added. Olive oil was replaced by mineral oils, fragrance was filled for gentle effect and other moisturizers were added. This increased the life of cold cream. Here are 4 alternatives to cold creams in winters

Milk cream

Milk cream is natural moisturizer. A little bit of lemon and milk in milk cream can make a great moisturizing body mask. Apply it for 5-10 minutes before taking a shower.


Yogurt is also an exceptional skin moisturizer. Applying yogurt for 5-10 minutes on your face and body not only hydrates your skin but also stops acne and itching. You should also take protective measures to avoid dry scaly spots over your face and body. Avoid hot showers as they make your skin dry. Take short warm showers during winters. This also helps keep dandruff away.

Olive oil and honey scrub

Olive oil, honey and brown sugar combined make a great scrub for dry weather. It removes layers without stripping your skin of natural oils. This can be done before bed time or an hour before you start getting ready for a going out as it makes your skin ready for makeup.

Coconut oil

A minor amount of coconut oil applied on your skin is easily absorbed and keeps your skin moisturized for the day. Olive oil can also be used.

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